Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yogaaaa X ...ZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzz

This about sums up how I felt this morning during yoga. I'm running into some serious scheduling difficulties with getting workouts in (haven't missed one yet!), but because I'm so darned committed to this program, I'm starting to lose sleep, not eating enough, etc. It could very well be hormones too. I woke up this morning at 5:00am, all groggy-eyed, and tired (because of lack of sleep), and headed downstairs to do Yoga X before work. I won't have time for it tonight, so I had to fit it in somewhere.

Folks...I'm VERY inflexible as it is, never mind at 5:00 in the morning. My muscles and joints were cold in my basement, and although I felt by blood pumping and perspiration on my face, i just couldn't stretch as far as when I do it at 8:00pm. Maybe my heart just wasn't into it either, because I was still thinking about my deliciously warm bed upstairs. Lesson learned.

The good side is I'm done my workout for the day, and don't have to worry about it as soon as I get home from work tonight. I'm having company over, and I'm making Ground Turkey Tacos. I've even whipped up some fresh Guacamole for them as well.

I'm very much looking forward to my recovery week next week, and seeing what else Tony has up his sleeve. Then I'll be on to Phase 2! Seems like these last few weeks have just FLOWN by! Still bringin' it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anna,

    I know how you alarm goes off at 5:20 it was going off at 5am...but ya know something that extra 20 mins made a difference in my book. :)

    I find myself working well into the evening...midnight many a nights, as we are both very focused to accomplishing something amazing, and being people of influence, and helping others daily.

    We just have to remember that we have to take care of ourselves first. I will say that we have a leg up on others running this schedule....we workout daily, and we have Shakeology.

    Here is to your continued energy and focus! Talk to you again soon. Stop by my blog below...I just became a follower of yours, I look forward to more good news.

    Day 11 P90X - Second Time Through
