Monday, February 21, 2011

Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

I realise I haven't blogged for a week. Mostly because I've been trying to conjure up how to describe how I feel during CST day (Chest Shoulders and Triceps). Well, let's narrow it down to this. My entire upper body feels like jello by the time I'm not even halfway through, and then Tony insists I do One-Arm Pushups.

Like...seriously Tony.

Not to mention Pike Presses (basically a push up in downward dog while on your toes) or Clap Push-ups (I'm nowhere near Plyo Push-ups at this point.) When Laura, in the video, can rock out One Arm-Pushups, and I'm stuck there, falling flat on my face(thank goodness for my shag rug), that's when I'm like, "Ok Tony...let's BRING IT!!" And I get all fired up for maybe 2-3 more reps. That's what keeps me going.

This particular workout has been my most, umm..shall we say, vocal? It's probably a good thing I live alone, so no one has to hear my incessant grunting and moaning (and then laughing) for this entire DVD. Ab Ripper X is almost welcomed by the time I'm done with CST.

I just finished my workout for the day, my triceps are still twitching and shaking even while I type this. As weird as it feels, it's so satisfying. I feel I've been almost derailing in the last week or so with bad eating habits, and this week I need to make a comeback. Time to start bringing it again, Anna!

On a side note, I made these super delish Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins today, and used Splenda instead of sugar. I still used white flour, so I'll have to come up with a substitute for that. If anyone has suggestions, let me know! I figured Almond Flour might just be too dense.

Ok, time for a deliciously hot shower! Yessssss...!!

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