Thursday, May 5, 2011

What? Oh yeah...i'm done!

I realise I haven't posted a "FINISHED!!!" post as of yet. And I'm sorry for that, I'm sure you've all been waiting on the edge of your seats for it. The truth is, my extra 2 weeks that I was going to throw in were very anti-climactic, because I ended up getting the stomach flu for about a week, which means zero working out! Then the following week was spent trying to regain strength and getting back on the diet track. I really didn't want to disappoint my readers with such a lame finish, but the reality is, I DID complete the program, I just didn't finish with a bang like I was hoping.

What have I learnt from p90x?
-Well, the hardest part was the commitment. I'm a commitment phobe, so sticking to the daily routine was probably the biggest challenge of all, so it taught me discipline on a whole new level. Of course I missed days here and there, because with my work schedule and social schedule, it's so hard to balance everything sometimes, as we all know.
-It taught me that I can burn the same amount of calories in a hardcore resistance workout, than I can going for a run. As simple as this sounds, it took a while to get my head wrapped around this idea. I used to think that running was the only way to burn x amount of calories, because lifting weights just didn't seem as hard (even though that idea is ridiculous, because I sweat so much more in a resistance workout than cardio.). The key is to just keep moving, keep the heart rate up.
-Being on a low-cal diet doesn't necessarily mean I have to eat canned tuna, cottage cheese and salad everyday. There are MUCH tastier options out there. You just have to get creative with it!
-I've gained much more confidence in the gym now. I used to get so stuck in doing the same thing over and over again, trying my hardest not to look like a fool in front of everyone else there, because I was a total noob. I actually feel like I have a clue now, which feels good, and my hour workout flies by now!
-P90x does not make me look like Dreya Weber(above) or Jillian Michaels. (...Or Tony Horton for that matter.)

Tony and the Kids have shed a new light to working out for me, and staying active. I work out to feel good about myself, and although I may not be quite there just yet...I'm definitely a lot closer now than I was 3 months ago! If you're thinking of starting the program, I urge you to definitely give it a shot. Give Tony a chance. It's a lot of hard work, but it's not impossible. Heck, if I can do it, so can you! If you've already started the program, and are struggling to get through; keep struggling! Just go day-by-day, or week-by-week. Just another check mark on the calendar, and so enough, you'll be done and feeling great!!

I don't think I'm ready to take on Round 2 as of yet, especially as the weather is getting nicer. P90x is a good winter program (which for me is about 9 months out of the year anyways.) So I'm going to take full advantage of summer and my renewed look on health and staying in shape, and gear up for next winter where I might challenge Tony one more time.

Until then...


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 13

I've finally reached what should be my final week of P90X. But because I love it so much (big LOL), I'm adding on 2 more weeks, which should take me right to the end of April. (April 30th will be my final day!) I've decided this partially because i have missed days over the last 3 months, but also because my gym membership doesn't start up again until May, so I figured I might as well carry on.

I've mentioned I'm training for a Marathon Relay in May, so I've decided that I'm going to switch out my Kenpo days for long runs, on Saturdays. They both end up being about an hour long, so I figured that was a fair trade. I'm also trying to get back on a healthier diet. No more junk, and fewer carbs. I feel great about my results, but I know I can push it just a little further for these last 3 weeks, so I'm going to. Ideally I'd like to lose 5lbs, but if that doesn't happen....well...I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Yesterday I crushed Chest/Back. The number of reps in Week 13 compared to Week 1....holy moly. And I know for a fact I was giving my BEST on Day 1 as well. Huge results. It's still my least favourite workout by far judging mostly on the fact it's the one that makes me wanna hurl the most. There's nothing more raw than push ups and pull-ups. I still have a tough time with abs, but it's because I try to keep up with Tony and the kids.

Phifer Scissors....yuck. I hate it...but I love it.

Thanks Tony...see ya on the flipside!

p.s. As for the progress pics...I'm still undecided on whether or not I'll be posting them. I was wearing a somewhat poor choice of wardrobe for Day 1 pics, which I dont feel like posting all over the internet. And It's not like I can even go and re-take them. Ha...oh well!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Plough Through It

I feel like this journey through P90x has been compiled of tiny humps, all the way through that I have to battle to get over. Last night I feel like I've gotten over yet another. As much as yoga makes me feel good and strong, it's the longest workout of them all, and seems to go on forever at times. Yesterday I was feeling good for most of the day, and pumped to get in my yoga night. My normal routine for Thursdays is when I get home from work, I eat dinner, and have a few hours to chill out before I put on my workout gear and head downstairs at around 8-8:30 so that I can finish up right before bedtime. This is also a fairly risky routine, because once I get my meal in, and have relaxed for the majority of the evening, I very often am hesitant to put on my yoga gear and kick off my 1½ hour long yoga sesh.

Last night I was feeling good though. My Back and Biceps workout on Wednesday was killer, and my arms were SO sore, but I knew I couldn't wuss out. It's funny, I think one of the main reasons I like doing yoga, is because I can go bare feet. I don't have to hunt down a pair of socks, and put on my runners which kind of feel like machines on my feet (only at first), but I can just wander downstairs wearing pretty comfy clothes. That's alright in my books. Who KNEW I was about to get my butt kicked in a few minutes!?

The moving Asonas portion seemed to move by fairly quickly because I felt so much stronger. My face was Zen, my breathing was good, and although I still wobble a bit in certain poses, I'm a lot more confident going into them than I was 2-3 months ago. Ok...I've decided to give up on Crane though. I really am just not centered enough or something, because I'm an epic fail at that position. I will always attempt it, but I just don't think it's going to happen for me. Grr! Plough (pictured above) is still one of my favourite poses, and i can't help but sort of giggle everytime I do it. And of course, I add a pushup in between each of my Vinyasas.

I've mentioned quite a bit lately on how I'm feeling much stronger, but I also am feeling tighter (especially in the tummy area), and in the best shape I've ever been. I was on a shopping trip this past weekend, and there's no better feeling than being able to fit in dresses that 3 months ago I know I would've never been able to pull off (not literally, but you know what i mean). The numbers on the scale however haven't changed, really at all. (The only downside), but there's been so many other changes and results that I've been getting that the numbers on the scale are no longer my priority. Although the scale gives you a good idea if you're losing weight (obviously!), I've found that the mirror is my biggest challenge, and a very good indication on my progress. This is where the progress pics have definitely come in handy. I've looked at my Day 1 pictures a couple of times, and sometimes just can't believe how far I've come. Yeah I've had my bad days, or days I just wasn't able to get over that "hump", but jeepers...the proof is in the pudding my friends! I put in the hard work, and am STILL putting in the hard work. Some days it feels like I'm losing steam, but heck...I always give it my best, and forget the rest!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Charlie the Plumber

Don't worry, this post has a happy ending.

Yesterday was not a good day, in general. It was Tuesday, which in my opinion is just as bad as a Monday, except it's called "Tuesday," and I was feeling rather grumpy, bloaty, and all those other lovely symptoms that come with being a girl. Possibly TMI, so be it. I was supposed to have Charlie the Plumber coming by my place in the evening sometime to work in my basement, so i was afraid of not getting my workout in at all. I wasn't crazy about the idea of Charlie watching me "jump over the river and through the grandmother's house" in Plyo. He's creepy enough as is. He told me he was going to call in the afternoon to let me know when he'd be over. So I was thinking, "Oh good, he'll come right after work, I can eat supper. He'll be done by then, and i can get my workout in right afterwards."

So I carried on with my day. Awaiting Charlie's call.        2:30.    3:30.      4:30 (home time). No call from Charlie.

At this point, I was already giving in. Fully prepared to not do my workout because of this freakin' plumber situation. I have a pretty tight schedule after work in order to get my workout/shower/food in and now it just wasn't happening. Not to mention the bloatiness that just wasn't jiving with my mood in the first place. Then my Mom texts me with this brilliant idea. "Why don't you get someone to open your house for you if he calls, come over here, do your workout and have supper with Dad and I?"

Mom saves the day. Everytime.

I get my stuff together, leave my backdoor unlocked in case Charlie decides to show up, and head out to Mom and Dad's to kill Plyo. Mood is still slightly aggravated, and I'm not completely pumped for Plyo, but I figured half the battle was already over, might as well just finish it.

I killed Plyo. Seriously. I felt slightly ridiculous at first, knowing my parents could hear me hopping around the mud room, with a floor that must be built above a cave or something because I'm pretty sure the entire house could hear me. (Even when landing on my toes.) I owned Jump Knee Tucks (Double time too!), and I jumped over that river like Bambi while sweating up a storm, woohoo!

Oh yeah, a quarter of the way through my workout, guess who decides to call and tell me he can't make it? Ugh...nice going Charlie.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 9 followed by Week 10...obviously.

Who has two thumbs and KILLED week 9?

This chick.

Tonight is Plyo, and I'm already amped for it.

That's all, Folks.

(Edited, because i don't know how to count.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Phase 3, Baby!!

My 2nd recovery week went completely smooth and I think it was what I needed to regain my focus. The end is in sight, I'm on the home stretch, and my goal is to really give'r. I've made it this far, there's NO giving up now! (Not that I'd ever intended on giving up!) I did my Day 60 pictures yesterday morning, and have noticed awesome changes. The scale hasn't hardly changed at all, but I feel like everything is tightening up in all the right spots. So thanks Tony....I'm actually looking forward to bikini shopping soon. Wow!

Now I'm back to the same workouts as Phase 1 for this week, and it feels like I'm starting fresh, like a second chance to totally kill it. Tonight was Chest and Back, and it's been several weeks since this workout. It's definitely not any easier, that's for sure, and my numbers weren't even that much higher, some were even lower, but my quality is so much better, and I bumped my weights for a couple of the exercises. Tony says it's about quality, not quantity, right?  I've found my mental state and focus is different this time around. I'm not so concerned about numbers anymore, although I still make sure to write everything down, and push myself until i can no longer lift myself up, but I'm focused on form, breathing, the muscles I'm working, and trying to get as much as I can out of the workout, instead of trying to be all macho with high reps, but bad form. It feels like I fully understand the program now, and have a good grasp on things.(Yup, apparently it's taken me this long to figure that out.)

I'm sure this month will have it's challenges, and will definitely not be a downhill ride, but knowing that I'm in my last phase makes me....hopeful? I AM going to finish this thing....even if it kills me. It's also encouraging that a few of my friends are now starting the program or are interested in it, and I feel like I'm ready to help others through this journey, because it's not easy by any means, and I'm a total believer in the X now, and have learnt so much about myself and my body along the way.

Oh by the way, this is what I had for supper tonight.

Super Mega High Protein Bean and Turkey Chili

2 lbs Ground Turkey, Browned
1 Medium sized Onion, Chopped
4-5 cloves Garlic, Minced
8-9 White Mushrooms, Sliced
2 Stalks Celery, Chopped
1 Can Tomatoes, Diced
1 Can Corn
1 Can Navy Bean
1 Can Kidney Beans
1 Can Chick Peas
1 Can Black Beans
¼ Cup Chili Powder
½ Cayenne Pepper

Basically just brown your meat, add half the seasoning, and throw in the garlic, onions, celery and mushrooms. Sautée them together, and throw in your tomatoes and corn. Rinse all your beans, and throw them in, with the rest of your seasoning. You might want to add some water. And of course you can add salt and pepper to taste. Let it simmer for about 30 minutes. Serve with grated cheddar cheese...if you dare. I normally portion this out into about 10-12 meals and freeze. Perfect for lunch!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Rest Week #2

Wow, it's been so long since my last update, but really there's not much to update you on. This past week was yet another tough one, with having a new sump pump put in my basement. I had guys working downstairs, jackhammering, getting my workout room as dusty, etc that it was not super accommodating for my workouts. I've actually decided that I might tack on another 2 weeks after my 90 days are up to make up for lost workouts along the way. No matter how committed I am in my goes on and sometimes squeezing my workout in is just not feasible.

Today was day 1 of my second rest week. I hadn't looked at my schedule before i left for work today, so i wasn't prepared for which workout was planned for my evening. I came home, and ran downstairs dreading it would say Core.....! Nope....! Yoga!!!! Yesssssss!! Which means I didn't have to do it until later in the evening. I like to do yoga closer to bedtime so that I'm relaxed, stretched, and completely mellow for perfect sleeping conditions. I roasted a chicken breast and some vegetables for supper, and had a chance to chill out before i put on my yoga clothes.

I've finally reached a point where I enjoy yoga. It started off as one of my worst workouts, mostly because i was not flexible at all, and it was the longest video at an hour and a half, but now it's one of the workouts I looked forward to. I see the difficult moves not only as a challenge but a challenge that I KNOW i can tackle. And only improve on. The moving Asanas are tough, but I find myself pushing harder, lifting my legs higher, keeping them straighter, tightening more muscles, and really trying to breathe through each pose. And of course, adding my push up on each Vinyasa.

How is the Crane pose coming? Well...I still can't hold it for the full 60 seconds, but I've definitely got the technique down, and can hold it for about 10 seconds at a time. I'd say a big improvement from the first day i attempted it!

And oh one more thing...

I rocked out 3 chin ups before Yoga to pump me up even more. YEAH man!