Monday, March 14, 2011

Phase 3, Baby!!

My 2nd recovery week went completely smooth and I think it was what I needed to regain my focus. The end is in sight, I'm on the home stretch, and my goal is to really give'r. I've made it this far, there's NO giving up now! (Not that I'd ever intended on giving up!) I did my Day 60 pictures yesterday morning, and have noticed awesome changes. The scale hasn't hardly changed at all, but I feel like everything is tightening up in all the right spots. So thanks Tony....I'm actually looking forward to bikini shopping soon. Wow!

Now I'm back to the same workouts as Phase 1 for this week, and it feels like I'm starting fresh, like a second chance to totally kill it. Tonight was Chest and Back, and it's been several weeks since this workout. It's definitely not any easier, that's for sure, and my numbers weren't even that much higher, some were even lower, but my quality is so much better, and I bumped my weights for a couple of the exercises. Tony says it's about quality, not quantity, right?  I've found my mental state and focus is different this time around. I'm not so concerned about numbers anymore, although I still make sure to write everything down, and push myself until i can no longer lift myself up, but I'm focused on form, breathing, the muscles I'm working, and trying to get as much as I can out of the workout, instead of trying to be all macho with high reps, but bad form. It feels like I fully understand the program now, and have a good grasp on things.(Yup, apparently it's taken me this long to figure that out.)

I'm sure this month will have it's challenges, and will definitely not be a downhill ride, but knowing that I'm in my last phase makes me....hopeful? I AM going to finish this thing....even if it kills me. It's also encouraging that a few of my friends are now starting the program or are interested in it, and I feel like I'm ready to help others through this journey, because it's not easy by any means, and I'm a total believer in the X now, and have learnt so much about myself and my body along the way.

Oh by the way, this is what I had for supper tonight.

Super Mega High Protein Bean and Turkey Chili

2 lbs Ground Turkey, Browned
1 Medium sized Onion, Chopped
4-5 cloves Garlic, Minced
8-9 White Mushrooms, Sliced
2 Stalks Celery, Chopped
1 Can Tomatoes, Diced
1 Can Corn
1 Can Navy Bean
1 Can Kidney Beans
1 Can Chick Peas
1 Can Black Beans
¼ Cup Chili Powder
½ Cayenne Pepper

Basically just brown your meat, add half the seasoning, and throw in the garlic, onions, celery and mushrooms. Sautée them together, and throw in your tomatoes and corn. Rinse all your beans, and throw them in, with the rest of your seasoning. You might want to add some water. And of course you can add salt and pepper to taste. Let it simmer for about 30 minutes. Serve with grated cheddar cheese...if you dare. I normally portion this out into about 10-12 meals and freeze. Perfect for lunch!

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