Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Charlie the Plumber

Don't worry, this post has a happy ending.

Yesterday was not a good day, in general. It was Tuesday, which in my opinion is just as bad as a Monday, except it's called "Tuesday," and I was feeling rather grumpy, bloaty, and all those other lovely symptoms that come with being a girl. Possibly TMI, so be it. I was supposed to have Charlie the Plumber coming by my place in the evening sometime to work in my basement, so i was afraid of not getting my workout in at all. I wasn't crazy about the idea of Charlie watching me "jump over the river and through the grandmother's house" in Plyo. He's creepy enough as is. He told me he was going to call in the afternoon to let me know when he'd be over. So I was thinking, "Oh good, he'll come right after work, I can eat supper. He'll be done by then, and i can get my workout in right afterwards."

So I carried on with my day. Awaiting Charlie's call.        2:30.    3:30.      4:30 (home time). No call from Charlie.

At this point, I was already giving in. Fully prepared to not do my workout because of this freakin' plumber situation. I have a pretty tight schedule after work in order to get my workout/shower/food in and now it just wasn't happening. Not to mention the bloatiness that just wasn't jiving with my mood in the first place. Then my Mom texts me with this brilliant idea. "Why don't you get someone to open your house for you if he calls, come over here, do your workout and have supper with Dad and I?"

Mom saves the day. Everytime.

I get my stuff together, leave my backdoor unlocked in case Charlie decides to show up, and head out to Mom and Dad's to kill Plyo. Mood is still slightly aggravated, and I'm not completely pumped for Plyo, but I figured half the battle was already over, might as well just finish it.

I killed Plyo. Seriously. I felt slightly ridiculous at first, knowing my parents could hear me hopping around the mud room, with a floor that must be built above a cave or something because I'm pretty sure the entire house could hear me. (Even when landing on my toes.) I owned Jump Knee Tucks (Double time too!), and I jumped over that river like Bambi while sweating up a storm, woohoo!

Oh yeah, a quarter of the way through my workout, guess who decides to call and tell me he can't make it? Ugh...nice going Charlie.

1 comment:

  1. Call me a paranoid aunty, but please don't tell people you leave your back door open! Ever!

    I can hardly wait until this summer when I can finally start this craziness called p90xyzq10
