Saturday, February 5, 2011

Come at me, Fargo Relay!

Today was a huge milestone for me. A defining moment in my P90X journey.

This weekend I have company staying with me, and to be downstairs doing legs and/or Kenpo X...well, I didn't feel would be all that hospitable. Plus the weather outside is CRAZY warm (it was about -5ÂșC today..not typical for beginning of February in Winnipeg) so I really had a big desire to go for a run outside. I ended up taking Friday off of legs/back. I know, I was my first skip day, but technically not, because instead of taking a break on Sunday, I'll fit in legs and back then. And as far as Kenpo today, it was too nice out to be cooped up in my basement, punching Tony in the face. So I bundled up, put my running shoes on, and plugged myself into my iPod (with a "New Running Playlist" added this morning.) So I was ready to go.

I haven't done a long run since last summer or fall. I would run at the gym to warm up, but that was only ever for about 20 mins tops (about 2 miles). So in my head as I left my house, I was aiming for at least 2 miles, non-stop. To my amazement, my legs have never felt stronger. I would burst up hills like it was hardly a hill at all. I did my first mile, and was completely in "the zone". If any of you have ever run before, you know all about said zone. It's that point where you feel like a machine, like nothing could stop you. So instead of doing the 2 mile loop, i headed into the nearby park, and did one lap of the park (about a mile and a half). Legs still feeling strong (thank you, Wall Squats!). Lungs also feeling good, but noticeably trying to keep up with my legs. I started to head back to my place, and in my head thinking, "Wow, Anna! I can't believe you just did that."

But it doesn't end here folks.

The hardest part was yet to come. As I started heading back, I could see my street, with the blue building at the end of it, but I started thinking, "No Anna...just run past it, you can keep going. You're feeling good, see how far you can go!" Then the other side of me saying, "Anna, no you should head back, and get dinner going. You know you can do it, so just pack it in now." And as Deadmau5 started pumping in my ears...that was the deciding factor. I kept running. I brought it!

I ended up running about 5.54 miles(according to Google Maps) at about a 10 min/mile pace. Something I haven't done in a year. For some of you, okay, maybe 5½ miles isn't a whole lot, but considering the lack of running I've been doing lately, this was big for me. I felt back on top of the game. I LOVE this feeling.  And I've signed up my family to run the Fargo Marathon Relay this coming May, so I decided I should probably be able to run 6.5 miles instead of finding out on Race Day. Confidence = Restored.

I'm not one of these "listen to my feet hitting the pavement and focus on being all Zen" type of runners(nothing wrong with that!). I'm more of a "Pump up some solid tunes, and I'll run forever" kind of runner. Thanks to Beyonce, Shakira, Yolanda Be Cool, Katy Perry, Adam Lambert, Deadmau5, and many others, they fueled me to the end. (I have awesome running music...if you want some suggestions, let me know, and I'll hook you up!)

Tomorrow evening I plan on fitting in my missed Legs/Back day. And Monday...Recovery Week starts!!

Go, Me!!! I'm LOVING this!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Anna!! I told a friend of mine, who is trying to maintain her running in Eastern Canada during the winter, to try her hand at the X because I was certain that it would improve her running... you just confirmed it!

    I am just starting round two of the X... so I am not that far behind you. I will be back!!
